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DreamCatchers is Your Partner in Healing

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A word from our Clients
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Jodi's open heart and compassion created an opportunity for emotional safety. She empowered me to allow deep hurt from childhood to flow and I was able to release pain and tears in the sand. Thank you for holding such safe space for me. - KC, Grand Rapids MN

DreamCatchers is an emotional support program that pairs support methods and equine wisdom in a therapeutic way to help those experiencing challenges find a sense of peace. DreamCatchers offers support in the form of coaching rather than traditional therapy, using the Equine Gestalt Coaching Method (EGCM)®.


The Equine Gestalt Coaching Method™ was developed by Melisa Pearce, a core founder since 1989, of the horse­ human healing movement. The experiential nature of the method involves the horse as an active partner with the coach in the client’s exploratory process. The integrative approach of the equine’s interaction combined with positive coaching, somatic awareness guidance and Gestalt methodology, assists the client in examining their life and choices made with a focus on designing a positive future.  ©Melisa Pearce

Jodi Freeman is a Certified Equine Gestaltist®, with a focus on supporting teens and adults facing anxiety, depression, trauma related emotional concerns, and grief. Combining her loves of horses and supporting others, Jodi offers coaching services in partnership with the incredible emotional strength of horses.


How do Horses Help?

Horses are  more deeply connected with humans than any other animal.  They operate on a level of energy that is as near to serenity as possible, while humans only function at about half that level... and horses want us to move closer to them. An Equine Gestalt Coach works in partnership with horses to allow clients a safe space to to work through unfinished business and find focus and balance in the here and now. A 2017 Scientific Study conducted by EGCM® Graduate, Jacqueline Manzione, and Thomas Manzione, shows the Efficacy of the Equine Gestalt Coaching Method®. 271 people from various regions, backgrounds, and populations were included in this study result. And 98% of study respondents found their EGCM session beneficial enough to participate in another EGCM Session. Findings demonstrated that there was an increase in the feelings of hopefulness and an improved sense of self-esteem and self-worth among the clients who participated in an EGCM session. (adapted from, April 2024)

At DreamCatchers, we believe firmly in the power of horses helping humans heal emotional trauma, and to that end, enrolled in the Certified by Melisa Pearce Equine Gestalt Coaching program in 2021.  You can learn more about the Equine Gestalt Coaching Method by clicking this link.


Who Can Participate?

Anyone age 13 and older who is seeking a different way to learn to manage their emotional healing and grow through the power of one-to-one support.

DreamCatchers does not offer traditional riding lessons or introductory sessions to anyone under 13, with zero exceptions.

Our Programs

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Equine Gestalt Coaching

The Equine Gestalt Coaching Method provides a form of Coaching where a client works with a human coach and her equine partner to resolve emotional concerns.

Sessions are available for individuals in person or via Zoom, and in small groups.


Introduction to Horses

In a four-session series, DreamCatchers introduces those unfamiliar with horses to spending time around them safely, and provides two opportunities to ride in an arena setting. This is not a traditional riding lesson program.


Community Visits

DreamCatchers provides hour-long educational visits to community based organizations including senior living facilities, community child care facilities, schools, and other community-based programs

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Group Facilitiation

DreamCatchers provides facilitation for established groups in the recovery, support, and emotional health communities. These groups provide  opportunities for growth and learning.

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